Tuesday, 12 December 2017


In order to gain inspiration for the film poster I am making for my trailer, I decided to look at several different film posters from different genres that caught my eye. An important feature of a poster is that it should signal the genre. For instance, the film poster for The Post (2017) should be sharp and dark in colour to signal the dramatic tone of the film.
Image result for the post poster
Image result for film posters 2017

Having looked at these two posters in detail, it has given me inspiration for the poster design for The Damned. My initial ideas for my film poster include a picture of the protagonist and the 'bent cop' standing side by side in the centre with the action of the film (and the existence of the cult) photoshopped into the bottom of the frame to convey two seperate images that are joined together in smooth editing. My main inspiration for this idea came from the posters for both Najaki (2014) and Blade Runner 2049. (2017)These two posters feature similar concepts to the design I wish to create for my poster, which I will be able to accomplish through the use of photoshop.
Image result for blade runner 2049 poster
Image result for kajaki film poster

Friday, 1 December 2017


Before filming the bulk of our film at the farm in Cobham, we were encouraged to make a risk assessment for the shoot in the case of anything going wrong. We were able to use a template as inspiration for this. When we filmed the majority of scenes there was little risk but all was written in the assessment. The risk assessment can be found below.



Thomas Richards 1448 Claremont Fan Court School 64680 Welcome to my blog: I worked with Matthew Bowes 1468. I hope that you enj...