Wednesday, 18 October 2017


After completing my treatment, I decided that in order to familiarise myself with the story I would draw up a storyboard to see what works and what doesn't. Doing so allowed me to come up with ideas on how to frame certain shots that were in my head as director and what might look good to an audience.
A storyboard is a vital piece of planning for a film trailer as it enables directors and DOPs to transfer their ideas onto paper and is often the first way to tell how to shoot scenes before they are filmed. My storyboard can be seen below.

Tuesday, 10 October 2017


Audiences are often defined by GEARS. Having looked at the Exit Poll of films screened to an audience, I noticed that films which involve action or thriller conventions usually tend to be skewed towards a male audience. I believe that my film will be more male orientated than female orientated. I think it is likely that my audience will be predominantly under the age of 35. As proven many times before, exit polls show that 30% of audiences find out about a film through an in cinema trailer, which shows that the seemingly most effective way to convince an audience to see a film is to show a trailer in cinema.
I have created an audience profile for the type of media that my target audience will be interested in. I researched into many Thriller and Neo Noir related film and television, with examples being Strike, Se7en, True Detective and Blade Runner. This was important as many of these films and TV shows involve not everything being as it seems and being rife with speculation and twists, which is something I want my film to evoke. My Target Audience is likely to be slightly less active, having long working days and going to the cinema whenever they can to appreciate the art form.

Age Group: 18- 35
Gender: Male and Female (but likely to be predominantly male)
They are likely to watch films such as Blade Runner, Se7en and Zodiac
They are likely to watch TV shows such as Sherlock, True Detective, Strike
They are likely to play video games such as Heavy Rain, Life is Strange
In their leisure time, they are likely to take part in physical activities whenever possible such as going to the gym, reading, and possibly playing video games as well as often attempting crosswords and wordsearch puzzles. They will use iPhones to check social media as well as apps for Quiz TV programmes and will likely eat at Middle end food establishments such as Nandos and Gourmet Burger Kitchen


Thomas Richards 1448 Claremont Fan Court School 64680 Welcome to my blog: I worked with Matthew Bowes 1468. I hope that you enj...